About School to Career
Meet our team and learn about our program!

What School to Career can do for you?
School to Career facilitates career-related learning experiences (CRLEs) for high school students and supports high school staff in their college and career centers to guide students to appropriate opportunities.
By offering Career Exploration Roundtable Sessions, Career Spotlight Events, Facility Tours, Mock Interviews, Informational Interviews, Job Shadows, and Guest Speakers, the School to Career program provides students with invaluable opportunities to gain insights into different professions, industries, and career paths.
Bring Career-Related Learning Experiences to your school!
Our programs are not “one-size fits all” and are designed to meet individual school’s needs. We are here to help, so let us know which services fit your needs! Contact Karen Donaldson for more information! KarenD@WCChamber.org

Interested in learning more about School to Career? We would love to talk with you!
Please contact School to Career Director, Karen Donaldson at 503.726.2150
or by email KarenD@WCChamber.org