Career Events
Discover your Career Events and Explore your options!
All School to Career opportunities are FREE for Washington County High School students! You are invited to explore as many occupations as you like. It’s a great way for you to expand your horizons (or to sharpen your focus) as you learn from a real person who is working in the career of your dreams!
Come be a part of the live career exploration events so that you can ask industry professionals questions, meet like-minded friends, and participate in activities. DON’T MISS YOUR CHANCE TO ATTEND!

Career Event Registration
Explore career possibilities!
-Book your spot for upcoming events
-Get email reminders
-Excused absence for attending!
Live Event Check-in
Let your counselor know you at an event!
-Easy way to keep track of events you’ve attended
-Quick questions to answer
Get Career Credit!
Get Credit for attending Career Events
-Career Exploration is a graduation requirement
-Give feedback/take notes.
Evaluación estudiantil de los eventos
Obtener crédito por asistir
–La exploración profesional es un requisito de graduación
-Realimentación / tomar notas
Want to see recorded events from past years?
Click below to view videos from Fall 2020 to current videos!
Interested in learning more about School to Career? We would love to talk with you!
Please contact School to Career Director, Karen Donaldson at 503.726.2150
or by email